Monday, 16 February 2015

Something Pretty Big This Way Comes.......

What could it be?

It's a castle. With some... more than disturbing rumours about the imminent demise of Warhammer Fantasy floating around the Internet at the moment, I decided to go out and get a Warhammer Fortress (or rather the components of one, since some idiot at GW decided to stop selling the actual Warhammer Fortress kit) of my very own like I always wanted to. It was something of a dream of mine to one day host a giant Mighty Empires campaign with my friends (after getting them into the tabletop hobby), and one of the many custom rules I had planned was that whenever a tile with a castle piece on it was attacked, the defender could put down a Warhammer Fortress or suitable equivalent. I've largely given up on that dream now, but if it ever comes to pass then this means I'll at least have most of the major stuff I'd need. 

I also went and finished up a Treeman. An awesome 6th edition style Treeman. I just wish it was a metal one... 

Much like his smaller cousins the Tree Kin, it was a blast to paint, and unlike the Tree Kin it wasn't absolute torture to undercoat. I'm actually fairly content with how it turned out, and think it's one of my better attempts at replicating the old GW studio scheme (and at mixing colours). 

Now then, back to my painting (and listening to the new Nightwish single over and over again)...

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