Sunday 19 May 2024

Intelligence Report - Eyes Only

--TO: Shas'O'T'au Kais'ka'Eoro'Da'Anuk, Aun'El'T'au Or'res'Cea, Gue'El Santiago, Penros Coalition Command--

--SENT: T'au'Il'fannor'Vre'Shi'B'Ko--

--AUTHOR: Por'Vre'T'au Bentu'Doran--

--SUBJECT: Intelligence Report: Bandit Group S-- 

-- CROSS-REF.: Penros Campaign, Pirate Activity, Mont'au'Gue'la, Terror Activity-- 


As part of our ongoing efforts to monitor the various adversarial groups present in this system, I have been working in conjunction with Kor'Vre'T'au Sa'Kunas to compile the activities of the unidentified Mont'au'Gue'la terrorist group currently labeled BANDIT GROUP S. Bandit Group S is of course the most recent Mont'au'Gue'la faction to have been observed in the Penros system, and while we have little experience with them on the ground Sa'Kunas's teams have done a commendable job of tracking and observing them from a distance, giving us considerable data to work with. 

Most recently one of Sa'Kunas's teams was able to capture an incident involving Bandit Group S on the surface of Penros's seventh world, which represents the first confirmed combat action of the group within the system. 



Based on extensive analysis of image data provided by Air Caste surveillance assets, we can confirm that Bandit Group S is the same terrorist group that raided the O'Leath'Elan'ro'Retha weapons complex some two kai'rotaa ago - visual profiles and markings match those observed on the units involved in that attack. 

It would appear that after escaping from the O'Leath'Elan'ro'Retha complex these Mont'au'Gue'la were by means unknown able to remotely access the long-range matter transmitters located in the Penros system. This would explain their sudden appearance in the vicinity of Matter Transmitter 3, some time after its seizure by Ar'cea militants. It is not known at this time whether the Ar'cea assets around Matter Transmitter 3 were eliminated by Bandit Group S or abandoned the site before their arrival, though orbital imagery of the site suggests the latter scenario is more plausible. 

We can also confirm that the terrorists of Bandit Group S are affiliated with the larger Es'Mont'El'Da terror group (or "Night Lords" in their native Gue'sia), and as such are formed largely of a core cadre of former Gue'la shock troops. As with similar Mont'au'Gue'la terror groups, these former soldiers have lost nothing of their considerable skill at arms and maintain much of their equipment including powered exoskeleton armour and a range of high-end Gue'la weaponry (see below). 

It is noteworthy that despite their clear affiliation with the Es'Mont'El'Da group, Bandit Group S does not appear to conform exactly to the standard operational and political doctrines associated with Es'Mont'El'Da cells. It is speculated that Bandit Group S may represent a splinter group or dissident element and indicate some kind of ongoing schism within the wider organisation. 

Despite this, it should be kept in mind that the differences have thus far been observed to be relatively minor in practical terms, and Bandit Group S still exhibits a lot of activities and agendas aligned with Es'Mont'El'Da, including their infamous campaigns of sickeningly excessive atrocities and crimes against sapient life. 

The assets of Bandit Group S that were identified during this incident were as follows: 


COMMANDER (Ass. Warlord): Gue'Va agent, observed directing local cells in combat and believed to be present commanding warlord of Bandit Group S. Currently given priority tracking with surveillance and observation assets. 

Observed equipment includes: 

-powered energy gauntlet 

- Gue'la medium bolt-driver with flamethrower attachment

- full complement of Gue'la manufactured grenades including fragmentation, shaped implosion charge and thermo-molecular reactive explosives. 

Subject was also observed to be equipped with powered battle armour that appears to be some kind of advanced prototype model, or at least features extensive modifications. Capabilities observed include: 

- greatly enhanced armour protection 

- greatly enhanced user strength 

- onboard shield generations 

- cosmetic intimidation modifications 

- defensive spike appliques 

Subject has been observed displaying notable skill in the following areas: 

- Fieldcraft (incl. battlefield infiltration and negotiation of adverse terrain) 

- Close quarters shock assault 

CELL 3: Five (5) Gue'Va shock troop operatives specialised for close assault. Significant EM distortion detected around this group indicates probable etheric enhancements. 

Observed equipment includes: 

- Five (5) heavy polearms with motorised blades. Believed to feature etheric enhancements to enable greater armour penetration capabilities 

- Five (5) suits of Gue'la manufactured powered battle armour. Believed to feature etheric enhancements. 

- Defensive spike applique, observed on armoured suit belonging to suspected cell leader 

- Cosmetic intimidation modifications observed on armoured suit belonging to suspected cell leader 

- Portable etheric interface device suspected present on suspected cell leader

Communications intercepts indicate the operative believed to lead this particular cell holds deep theistic beliefs venerating a deity-like figure known as 'Nurgle'. This particular religious practice has been observed consistently across a large (approx. 20% of all groups encountered near Tau Space) section of Mont'au'Gue'la terrorist and pirate groups, but has thus far been rare among Es'Mont'El'Da operatives. The other Gue'Va cell members appear to share these theistic tendencies. 

CELL 0: Three (3) suspected Gue'Va shock troop operatives trained for heavy assault, suppression, intimidation and demolition missions. 

Observed equipment includes: 

- Three (3) Her'ex'Yi heavy battlesuits with full weapons complement

CELL 1: Five (5) Gue'Va shock troop operatives trained for general combat, intimidation, subterfuge and sabotage missions. 

Observed equipment includes: 

- Four (4) lightweight handheld motorised combat blades 

- Three (3) Gue'la light plasma accelerator pistols (Identified as Type 36 models) 

- Two (2) Gue'la light bolt drivers (Identified as modified Type 3 models) 

- full complement of Gue'la manufactured grenades including fragmentation, shaped implosion charge and thermo-molecular reactive explosives. 

- Five (5) suits of Gue'la manufactured powered battle armour. 

- Defensive spike applique, observed on armoured suit belonging to suspected cell leader 

The operative believed to lead this particular cell has been observed with extensive genetic bio-augmentation. This includes: 

- Facial modification for intimidation 

- An augmented arm converted into a jaw or tentacle-like appendage. This appendage appears to have been gene-edited for use as a weapon in hand-to-hand combat, and appears to feature greatly enhanced physical strength and attacking speed. 

Operatives belonging to this cell have been observed displaying notable skill in the following areas: 

- Fieldcraft (incl. battlefield infiltration) 

- Close quarters shock assault 

CELL 2: Ten (10) Gue'Va shock troop operatives trained for general combat, intimidation, subterfuge and sabotage missions. 

Observed equipment includes: 

- Seven (7) Gue'la medium bolt drivers (Identified as modified Type 5 MOD-B models) 

- Two (2) Gue'la medium plasma accelerator rifles (Identified as Type 36 models) 

- One (1) Gue'la light bolt driver (Identified as modified Type 3 model) 

- full complement of Gue'la manufactured grenades including fragmentation, shaped implosion charge and thermo-molecular reactive explosives 

- Ten (10) suits of Gue'la manufactured powered battle armour. 

- Defensive spike applique, observed on armoured suit belonging to suspected cell leader 

The operative believed to lead this particular cell has been observed with extensive genetic bio-augmentation. This includes: 

- Facial modification for intimidation 

- An augmented arm that has been greatly expanded in size, far beyond even Gue'Va proportions. This limb appears to have been gene-edited for use as a weapon in hand-to-hand combat, and features enhanced strength directly comparable in effect to a Gue'la powered energy gauntlet, as well as increased attack speed. 

Operatives belonging to this cell have been observed displaying notable skill in the following areas: 

- Fieldcraft (incl. battlefield infiltration and negotiation of adverse terrain) 

CELL 4: Five (5) Gue'Va shock troop operatives trained for motorised combat, shock assault, intimidation, sabotage and demolition missions. 

Observed equipment includes: 

- Two (2) Gue'la medium flamethrowers (Identified as modified Type 32 models) 

- One (1) Gue'la powered energy blade of sword-type configuration 

- full complement of Gue'la manufactured grenades including fragmentation, shaped implosion charge and thermo-molecular reactive explosives 

- Defensive spike applique, observed on armoured suit belonging to suspected cell leader 

- Cosmetic modifications for intimidation observed on armoured suit belonging to suspected cell leader

- Five (5) suits of Gue'la manufactured powered battle armour 

- Five (5) Gue'la manufactured light motorised combat platforms, single-seat bicycle configuration, with full weapons complement 

The operative believed to lead this particular cell is believed to also carry a defensive energy shield generator somewhere on their person. 

Operatives belonging to this cell have been observed displaying notable skill in the following areas: 

- Advanced vehicle piloting 

- Close-quarters counter-assaults 

Note that in addition to the additional combat skills listed in the individual breakdowns, all elements of Bandit Group S have been observed displaying notable skill in night fighting conditions (common with Es'Mont'El'Da units) and strongpoint attack and siege assault operations - it is suspected that Bandit Group S has had significant history in urban warfare actions prior to their arrival in the Penros system. 

Also note that in addition to listed equipment in the individual breakdowns, all cells of Bandit Group S have been observed carrying standard tactical knives, breaching and cutting equipment and similar devices common to Gue'la shock troop forces. A complete inventory of all identified equipment and its quantities can be found in attached data file BANDIT GROUP S - EQUIPMENT INVENTORY AND TABLE INDEX. 


In addition to the elements outlined above, decrypted Air Caste signals intercepts indicate at least two other key figures in Bandit Group S's command structure. Based on available surveillance data and mission data from Air Caste attacks on the group, it can be safely assumed that Bandit Group S contains at least one specialist in metacreative warfare, likely one of the aforementioned high-ranking command figures. Surveillance data also indicates the presence of one Class-8 lifeform among Bandit Group S forces. Finally, Surveillance data has identified at least one additional cell equipped with heavy powered combat armour. 

Mission data from Air Caste sorties performed as part of Operation KIR'LA-6 shows confirmed kills on Mal'Caor heavy combat walkers and Elan'La medium combat walkers belonging to Bandit Group S. It is believed that these confirmed kills represent the entirety of Bandit Group S armoured assets, and that the group now has no dedicated heavy support units. 

Note however that despite the apparent lack of dedicated heavy support assets, Bandit Group S still possesses at least one elite cell equipped with Her'ex'Yi battlesuits which are directly comparable to our own XV-88 armour in mass, mission profile and performance capabilities (and can indeed be considered superior to the XV-88 unit in some metrics - for more information see attached data file XV-88 VS HER'EX'YI - TACTICAL COMPARISON AND THREAT EVALUATION). 


It is also worth noting that decrypted communications intercepts indicate that at least one high-ranking element of the Bandit Group S command structure appears to hold the same theistic beliefs as observed by the terrorists in Cell 3, centred around the same monotheistic deity figure 'Nurgle'. This indicates the possibility of a potential political schism between these figures and the otherwise atheistic elements of Bandit Group S - additional investigation into efforts to exploit this opportunity may be merited. 


In all other areas the makeup of Bandit Group S appears to be archetypical of most Es'Mont'El'Da networks observed by the Tau Empire thus far, a decentralised raiding force optimised for unconventional warfare, covert actions and terrorism. Damage inflicted to the group as part of Operation KIR'LA-6 has caused the group to further decentralise and disperse, both from losses sustained and to better avoid the worst damage from aerial attacks. 



As part of Operation KIR'LA-6 the Air Caste Command Penros has been using continuous application of aerospace strike assets to shape the advances of various hostile elements on Penros 7 - which remains the current focus of coalition operations in the system - employing targeted attacks to not only screen coalition forces on the ground and disrupt hostile operations, but also to channel and redirect the advances of the various pirate and terrorist groups active on the surface in such a way as to bring them into direct confrontation with each other. Thus far this strategy has brought coalition forces valuable time and breathing space, and the fighting around Outpost 515 represents the first such instance of Bandit Group S being drawn into conflict with other armed groups in this manner. 

Outpost 515 itself is located some 1200 Tor'kan from the current coalition evacuation zones and is a disused supply base originally constructed by the former Penros Security Forces, or 'PDF' in their Gue'sia. The site is primarily comprised of a small overhead landing pad, a few above ground stockpiles and some modest underground facilities, and is one of a number of such sites deliberately left untargeted by Air Caste forces in order to encourage hostile armed groups to converge on it. 

As best as we can determine, the primary objective of Bandit Group S was to reconnoitre the immediate vicinity of the site, with an operational goal of capturing and securing the outpost for both shelter from our Air Caste assets and for a more permanent base of operations on Penros 7. During Recon operations however, the assets from Bandit Group S dispatched on this mission ran into a force of armed fighters from BANDIT GROUP M - a more established Mont'au'Gue'la terror network active on the planet - also attacking Outpost 515 in Cadre level strength. 

The Bandit Group M Cadre observed in the incident was primarily comprised of : 

- two (2) cells of genetic-augmented Gue'la 

- one (1) cell of Gue'la light infantry (incl. heavy missile armament)

- one (1) cell of Gue'Va shock troops operating on foot (medium bolt-driver armament)

- one (1) cell of Gue'Va shock assault troops (mechanised) 

- one (1) cell of genetic-augmented Gue'Va shock troops (mechanised, suspected etheric enhancements)

- one (1) Mal'Caor autonomous heavy combat walker 

- undisclosed number of Mont'au'Gue'la command elements 


As best as we can determine, the operational-tactical plan employed by the Bandit Group S force was to employ Cell 1 and Cell 2 as spoiling elements, infiltrating the combat zone ahead of Bandit Group M's advance to forward-deploy into positions that would disrupt and slow down Bandit Group M's progress. While Bandit Group M was thus disrupted, the motorised Cell 4 would use their speed and mobility to hunt down and engage the genetic-augmented Gue'la cells at the core of Bandit Group M's formation in coordination with Cell 3 - it would appear that the local commander determined these units to be the weakest element of Bandit Group M and concluded that their destruction would rob the force of their advantage in mass, allowing the infantry cells to mop up. Destruction of hard targets, including the heavy combat walker, appears to have been assigned to Cell 0. 


Initial deployment of Bandit Group S assets in the area seems to corroborate this, being focused around a reverse-slope defence of one of the hills surrounding Outpost 515. Our aerial surveillance assets were unable to detect the presence of Cell 1 and Cell 2 until they broke cover at precisely D-Dec + 01:00:00, appearing in spoiling positions on the flanks of the outpost. 

Fig. 1. Bandit Group S initial deployment


The key decisive point of the incident came at D-Dec + 02:30:00. Multi-spectral data indicates that Cell 0 attempted a medium-range insertion via matter transmission into close proximity with the Mal'Caor heavy combat walker - presumably they meant to destroy the machine with thermo-molecular impulse attacks at close range and seize the high ground it was occupying in one single stroke. However, for reasons unknown the matter transmission beam appears to have deviated off-target, instead causing the Cell 0 operatives to materialise in the midst of Battle Group M's centre battle line where they were immediately swarmed and overwhelmed by genetic-augmented Gue'la units. 

This in turn allowed the heavy combat walker to survive long enough to target Cell 4 and open fire with its main gun. The shot was a direct hit and caused heavy losses among Cell 4, ultimately causing them to be overrun by gene-augmented Gue'la forces after their advance was stalled. From there on Bandit Group S was left unable to effectively counter the considerable mass advantage of their adversary. 

Fig. 2. Bandit Group S forces in contact


A second critical point of the incident occurred at D-Dec + 03:15:34. Multi-spectral data indicates a second matter transmission, though EMR analysis indicates more similarities with space-based ether drives than with conventional matter transmitter technology. As best as we can determine from available data, the (presumed) leader of Cell 3 managed to activate some kind of etheric interface device either hidden on their person or integrated into their armoured suit. 

Immediately after activation we were able to identify the arrival of no fewer than five (5) Type-7U Etheric Lifeforms. The Etheric Lifeforms appeared adjacent to Cell 3 and cooperated closely with the Gue'Va of Cell 3 for the rest of the engagement.

The arrival of and coordination with the Etheric Lifeforms allowed Cell 3 to inflict heavy casualties on the genetic-augmented Gue'la they engaged in close quarters battle with, and canny use of these alien allies allowed Cell 3 to effectively double its manpower during combat. It is suspected that this combination is likely to become a staple fixture of future combat operations Bandit Group S engages in. While only five (5) Etheric Lifeforms were observed during this incident, we cannot rule out the capability of Bandit Group S to call on the support of greater numbers of these allies. 

The presence of Type-7U Etheric Lifeforms affiliated with Bandit Group S also represents an opportunity for further study into the connection between Mont'au Gue'la terror groups and these lifeforms. Based on historical data there appears to be some kind of link between Type-7 Etheric lifeforms of all kinds and those Mont'au Gue'la practicing 'Nurgle' type theism - current hypothesis is that the Type-7 Etheric Lifeforms have somehow managed to persuade the Mont'au Gue'la to adopt their own cultural practices, forming a strong basis for a practical alliance. 

The presence of Type-7 Etheric Lifeforms of any kind also indicates a strong possibility that Bandit Group S may seek to employ biological warfare attacks against civilian targets. It is imperative that additional medical supplies and equipment are adequately distributed to the civilian populace, and that additional quarantine and screening measures are prepared to be implemented at the earliest notice. Mass distribution of vaccines, anti-viral treatments, antibiotics and immune supplements among civilian concentrations should be given high priority. 


Additional note should be made to Cell 1, which while largely immobilised by the swampy terrain they deployed in did succeed in tying up Bandit Group M forces far disproportionately larger to themselves. In this respect the restrictive terrain was less of an obstacle than it may otherwise have been and appears to have worked as an acceptable strongpoint all factors considered. 

Fig. 3. Bandit Group S Cell 1 in combat


Ultimately following a protracted Six Dec engagement the remaining elements of Bandit Group S disengaged with high casualties. Outpost 515 remains nominally in the hands of Bandit Group M, though Air Caste assets continue to interdict Bandit Group M assets around the site. 


Although Bandit Group S has sustained considerable damage thus far, it remains a formidable force that is rapidly adapting to the operational conditions on Penros 7, and is likely to recover quickly. It is likely that the group's leadership have learnt key lessons in their initial combat engagements on Penros 7, and the group retains both unknown numbers of Etehric Lifeform allies and credible biological weapons of mass destruction. 

They should not be underestimated. 



  1. Those handsome devils in the blue uniforms seem familiar! I note that they've picked up quite the glut of specialist combat experience since I last saw them - how relevant would you say the traits thus developed turned out to be, in the end? I've always found that, in the face of a certain caliber of firepower - say, that hoisted by the dreaded Defiler - a veteran of the Long War goes down as easily as a dripping wet Umpeenth Founding piss-boi, and that concentrations of such firepower are... frequent enough that surviving to achieve such veteran skill is frankly implausible.

    1. It's certainly been quite an adventure since leaving the cosy lairs of the Firestorm Nebula. They almost ended up learning even more skills, but I decided they will need to earn their Tank Hunter credentials fair and square.

      How relevant were these current ones? Honestly they came in pretty handy. Infiltrate in particular is worth its weight in gold, for both reacting to deployment tricks and to compensate for a lack of vehicular transport by giving squads a head start half-way up the table.

      The movement ones got less use here, but are definitely things I'd rather have but not need than need but not have. I especially *felt* the lack of Move Through Cover on the 5-man squad, who managed to cover a total of 4" square the entire game due to ice cold difficult terrain dice, which in turn robbed them of a chance to show off their Furious Charge.

      The only one that's really situational is their Siege Specialism, but that one was always a special extra because their previous overlord had such a love of Cityfighting that it seemed only fitting for them to have all learnt the urban warfare trait. I'm sure there were plenty of sprawling daemon cities back home in the Firestorm Nebula for them to practice their siegecraft and room-to-room combat skills in.

      Do they die like chumps to battle cannons? Yes, but the average battle cannon platform in turn is no less vulnerable to a well aimed lascannon volley from, say, a well-laced team of Obliterators that are actually used sensibly and not slammed into the teeth of the opposing formation like a Sunforge Monat.

      There is also the practical matter of making do with what's on hand. Between the already tenuous gene-seed supplies and round-the-clock Tau air raids these traitor legionnaires don't have the biggest pool of troops and equipment to draw from, so they're often forced to bone up on extra specialist skills when fighting larger engagements.

      Would some extra Plaguebearers instead have been helpful? Maybe. But the stragglers who walked away from Outpost 515 had few regrets about partaking in their prior side-quests.

      That said there are contingency plans to reconfigure to Red Codex compliance if too many specialist veterans are lost, because I want to both prove my worth to the Chaos Gods and prove to the rest of the local 2004hammer group that it is possible to have a fun time and win games without the Black Book.

    2. Having consulted the journals of former Legion Praetor Tar Zahaan, I've come to believe that freer movement through cover was arguably the MOST important attribute for infantry active in urban warfare, during the ancient days at least.

      My point, which you will doubtless take as a sop to the joyless dregs of the Adeptus Legumenumeratio, is that a Chaos Space Marine is still, ultimately, a body with but a single wound, and there is a plethora of weaponry that renders said single wound excessively vulnerable.

      Your point about the Obliterators is well made, although a deep strike mishap is a deep strike mishap (we always had issues with our teleportarium as well, back on the Harvester of Sorrows) and not anything to be pinned on the commander. It was hardly a choice.

      It's funny you should mention the Red Codex... further consultation with the Neverborn has revealed notes on tactical doctrine from that period, with which I might be inclined to furnish you at some stage. If you're interested.

    3. I have been on the receiving end of enough hordes of rabble to recognise the point, but I do counter that:

      1) Such fragility is hardly a problem unique to the Chaos Space Marine

      2) With only 40 or so warriors in the entire warband, and reinforcements unlikely for the foreseeable future, there are only so many proverbial baskets in which eggs can be stowed, and so the point becomes somewhat moot in larger battles.

      And at any rate so far I've found the fruits of Veteran experience to certainly be far more than the superfluous waste of time that the joyless Adeptus Legumenumeratio puritans too often dismiss them as. Their merit is not to be underestimated.

      The Deep Strike mishap is indeed not something that can be helped, but it is also not what I am ritually bleeding myself over - that would be the choice to send them to point-blank range of a target nestled amongst a large screening force close-by, instead of the perfectly clear hill next door, in lascannon range and with far fewer obstacles to scatter into.

      An understandable miscalculation though, born from unfamiliarity with the secret ways of the Obliterator Cult. I correctly assessed that the Defiler had to die as swiftly as possible, but honestly thought that the only way the Obliterators could do that in the turn they arrived was with Assault class meltaguns since they'd have to weather a turn before firing any heavy weapons. It wasn't until after the battle that I remembered Obliterators could fire those on the move.

      Any notes on combat doctrine with the Red Codex would be very helpful, as there are some areas that have started to leave me a little vexed (especially how to exploit the power of the particularly chaotic Obliterators it features). The Tau Water Caste is also eager to obtain any records or chronicles of this Night Lords warband in general, if only so that the Shas'Ar'Tol can start putting names to these Chaos Space Marines instead of non-descript reporting tags.

    4. 1) That's true, but what measures a life if not points cost - some deaths hit harder is all I'm saying. I shan't labour this point any further; the Battle Cannon/Plasma Gun problem is simply part and parcel of pre-2016 40K and something we have to live with.

      2) I would certainly never argue that Veteran Skills are a WASTE, though. They're great fun, and mostly impactful, and that's a reward all its own.

      Ahh, I see now, yes. The implications of Slow and Purposeful are subtle. I always found Obliterators better suited to the medium-long range band than my generally Rapid Fire ready cohort.

      We shall contemplate the Red Codex shortly, consult the Remembrancers and so on. I know there's an order of battle somewhere in this miserable pile of skins.

      As for records and chronicles, there is but one extant, and I wouldn't entirely trust it with regards to the naming of senior figures - in particular, the Sorcerer Mercurio left the premises to be replaced by one Lord Mawdryn, the chap with the twin lightning claws you now see in command.

    5. As the Tau intelligence community has figured out, Obliterators share much the same niche as Broadside teams (with more heavy weapons and mobility in return for less range) and seem to be best played as such, dropping on the best firing position on the table and raining hellfire down on the other side from there.

      That WAS how I was going to use them this time, but I panicked about their chances of surviving a battle cannon template, and thought they would only be able to use assault guns on the turn they Deep Struck. But hindsight is 20/20.
