Do I start a New Army for the New Year?
The answer is of course no, not at all. I already started one last year and 2024 is going to be absolutely packed with building up three existing armies already as it is even under ideal circumstances. A fourth one just is not even remotely feasible unless it just happens to fall out of the sky into my lap fully formed and painted and everything.
But the new year does nonetheless bring with it an unforeseen opportunity.
If you don't know, Games Workshop is releasing a new game in 2024 called The Old World that re-uses some of the models from Warhammer. Now, the TOW game itself is a total non-starter. I've already seen enough of its rules previewed to know that it will bring me no joy and trying to force myself to like it is only going to end in tears at best and literal actual real gasoline fire at worst. I tried to force myself to enjoy NuGW stuff for 16 years and it left me emotionally broken. I won't make that same mistake twice.
My one big dream for The Old World was that it might drain the swamp of tourneycorns and mathletes that's currently killing 6th edition Warhammer all over again, drawing them away with the promise of actual dynamic metas for them to solve and leaving 6th edition Warhammer once again a beautiful virgin paradise to be reclaimed by roleplayers and lore based players in peace. But sadly GW couldn't even get that part right and TOW doesn't even have the good common decency to share compatible base sizes with 6th edition Warhammer, so I still have to watch my favourite fantasy tabletop game die a death all over again as the Sour Prudes continue to optimise all the fun and joy out of it. Again. Forever.
But a funny thing has happened. For the second time in six years, GW has caught me off guard with a silver lining I never saw coming, which is the starter boxes for this new game they're releasing. These starter boxes appear to be built on the same model as Battlefront's, and contain what appears to be a good amount of the beautiful 2000s era sculpts that I so desperately crave. I was already eyeing up the Bretonnian one as a possible substitute for hunting down 2010 Battalion boxes online, but honestly that one is actually a rather sad let-down. The convenient 12 Knights' worth of sprue is fantastic, but... well... the thing is the box itself is comprised mostly of Peasants, except that it has an idiotic number of peasant models that leaves it infuriatingly just 4 models short of both Men-at-arms and Peasant Bowmen, each, and.. honestly it's Knights that I really need more of, not Peasants (I'll get more than enough of them from any 2010 Battalion boxes and 2003 Army boxes I manage to find), and frankly I'm probably going to be be better served just picking up a couple of individual Bretonnian Knight boxes instead, especially if they get repackaged as 12 models to a box.
But where things get REALLY interesting is the other starter box GW is releasing, the Tomb Kings one.
See like the Bretonnian starter box, the Tomb Kings one is comprised mostly of what appears to be beautiful authentic 6th edition Tomb King sculpts. But unlike the Bretonnian starter box, this one actually has sensible model numbers that produce nice even self-contained units. Quite a lot of them, in fact.
And I have long desired a Tomb Kings army (I have of course long desired pretty much every 6th edition Warhammer army except Chaos Hordes and Ogre Kingdoms, and even then I've recently desired that first one). Like many cis-het boys I went through a somewhat prominent Ancient Egypt phase growing up, although far more important than that was the Rachel Weisz phase I went through during puberty, which irrevocably changed me forever and has left me with a weakness for nubile shy charmingly awkward brunette bookworms ever since.
But most importantly of all, in 2010 I discovered this band called Nightwish, which had set my soul to music and continues to maintain a direct line to my heart of hearts to this day (well, most of the time at least). And out of all their numbers that I spent 1100 hours listening to in high school, one of the ones I played over and over most was this little banger called Sahara.
And just like how... pretty much all of Nightwish's other tracks birthed my real interest in traditional Europeanesque fantasy worlds, this gorgeous little song triggered a huge wave of mania over hotter, dryer, palm tree.. fantasy settings. This mostly resulted in an obsession to one day have a magnificent army of Araby models for Warmaster, but the Tomb King faction for Warhammer was also able to piggy-back on the same fascination and get a sizeable boost of my attention.
The Grand Eternal Legion of Kakapophis The Defiant, Most Glorious Eagle King of Hamnuptra
Glorious King Kakapophis The Defiant: Tomb King with light armour, Blade of Setep, Cloak of The Dunes, Shield of Ptra and Talisman of Protection - 273 pts
Loyal Liche High Priest: Liche High Priest with Serpent Staff, Neferra's Plaques of Mighty Incantations, Collar of Shapesh and Vambraces of The Sun, mounted on a Skeletal Steed - 352 pts
Wise Liche High Priest: Liche High Priest with Staff of Mastery and Blue Khepra mounted on a Skeletal Steeed - 337 pts
Prince of The Stone Scorpion: Tomb Prince with shield, Scorpion Armour and Biting Blade - 152 pts
Prince Xhibt the Bold: Tomb Prince with spear, light armour and Shield, mounted on a Chariot with Golden Eye of Rah-Nutt and Chariot of Fire - 201 pts
Honourable Prince: Tomb Prince with Great Weapon, Light Armour, Shield and Amulet of Pha-Stah - 148 pts
Deadly Prince: Tomb Prince with Light Armour, Shield and The Blade of Mourning - 154 pts
Scary Prince: Tomb Prince with Flail, Light Armour, Shield and Death Mask of Kharnut - 141 pts
Faithful Icon Bearer: Icon Bearer with Standard of The Sands - 142 pts
Keeper of The Casket: Liche Priest with Golden Ankhra and Casket of Souls - 325 pts
Keeper of The Plagues: Liche Priest with Staff of Ravening, mounted on Skeletal Steed - 168 pts
Cunning Liche Priest: Liche Priest with Hieratic Jar and Brooch of The Great Desert, mounted on Skeletal Steed - 173 pts
Humble Liche Priest: Liche Priest with Staff of Sorcery, mounted on Skeletal Steed - 173 pts
Skeleton Legion: 20 Skeleton Warriors with hand weapons, shields, light armour, Full Command and Standard of The Cursing Word - 230 pts
Skeleton Legion: 20 Skeleton Warriors with hand weapons, shields, light armour and Full Command - 205 pts
Skeleton Legion: 20 Skeleton Warriors with spears, shields, light armour and Full Command - 225 pts
Skeleton Legion: 20 Skeleton Warriors with spears, shields, light armour and Full Command - 225 pts
Skeleton Legion: 16 Skeleton Warriors with bows, light armour and Full Command - 169 pts
Skeleton Legion: 16 Skeleton Warriors with bows, light armour and Full Command - 169 pts
Skeleton Legion: 16 Skeleton Warriors with bows, light armour and Full Command - 169 pts
Skeleton Legion: 16 Skeleton Warriors with bows, light armour and Full Command - 169 pts
Skeleton Riders: 16 Skeleton Heavy Horsemen with Full Command and Banner of The Undying Legion - 316 pts
Skeleton Riders: 5 Skeleton Light Horsemen with Full Command - 105 pts
Skeleton Riders: 5 Skeleton Light Horsemen with Full Command - 105 pts
Skeleton Riders: 5 Skeleton Light Horsemen with Full Command - 105 pts
Skeleton Riders: 5 Skeleton Light Horsemen with Full Command - 105 pts
Skeleton Riders: 5 Skeleton Light Horsemen with Full Command - 105 pts
Ravening Swarms: 5 Tomb Swarm bases - 225 pts
Chariot Squadron: 6 Chariots with Full Command and Icon of The Sacred Eye - 340 pts
Tomb Guardians: 20 Tomb Guard with Full Command and Mirage Standard - 310 pts
Tomb Guardians: 20 Tomb Guard with Full Command and Icon of Rakaph - 310 pts
Legion of The Gods: 10 Ushabti - 650 pts
Legion of The Gods: 10 Ushabti - 650 pts
Black Vultures: 10 Carrion - 240 pts
Death on Swift Wings: 10 Carrion - 240 pts
The Keeper: Tomb Scorpion - 85 pts
The Sentinel: Tomb Scorpion - 85 pts
Breaker of Cities: Screaming Skull Catapult with Skulls of The Foe - 110 pts
Breaker of Strongholds: Screaming Skull Catapult with Skulls of The Foe - 110 pts
Breaker of Legions: Bone Giant - 220 pts
The Forbidden One: Bone Giant - 220 pts
Captive Damsel: Beautiful wise Librarian with distant Nehekaran ancestry - 300 pts
Groveling Thief: Groveling weasley cutthroat of ill repute with talent for getting into the right place at the right time (or the wrong place at the wrong time, depending on your point of view) - 200 pts
Scorpion Trap: Cunningly hidden and activated secret chute that leads to pit of deadly venomous scorpions - 100 pts
Snake Trap: Cunningly hidden and activated secret chute that leads to pit of deadly venomous asps (very dangerous!) - 100 pts
Mirage: Uncanny trick of the light that renders a stronghold almost invisible from afar - 100 pts
Sand Trap: Cunningly hidden and activated series of chutes and resevoirs that fill entire stronghold with sand - 100 pts
Boulder Trap: Cunningly hidden and activated series of guidelines that direct massive boulder to crush intruders - 100 pts