Wednesday, 30 May 2018

Wurrshuv's Revenge - Week 4

Wurrshuv's Revenge - An ATT Campaign 

Week 4 

In the wake of Aun'el'Sa'cea Ol'Bentu'B's horrifying demise, the Tau coalition on M-88 has begun a period of intensive soul-searching and introspection. The ATT Shas'ar'tol and Enclave Command have both begun to take long hard looks at themselves, questioning everything from tactics employed on the ground, potential solutions to the simple but devastatingly effective innovations created by Wurrshuv, to overarching strategy and operational-level coordination. Many Tau commanders on M-88 have been recalled to the Tau headquarters at Fio Starport to partake in intense discussions and debates over the best course of action to take. This represents the first major communication between Tau commanders on such matters since the start of the recent hostilities almost a month ago. Many amongst the Shas'ar'tol consider this a step in the right direction, but it remains to be seen whether it will be able to yield any positive effects in time. 

In space Operational Group Or’res’tel’K has continued to closely guard Tau convoys as they travel through the system's reinforcement corridors to M-88, but the initial shock of their arrival has worn off, and rumours of a new worthy opponent to fight in space have brought exponentially more Ork Freebooters to Wurrshuv's banner. With Kor'vattra fleet K-42 remaining occupied with intercepting Ork Roks, Operational Group Or'res'tel'K has had their resources stretched thin and are hard pressed to cover everywhere at once. Once again Tau convoys carrying reinforcements, equipment and supplies to M-88 are beginning to fall prey to the Freeboota wolf-packs. The Tau admiralty is considering a number of plans for anti-piracy search and destroy missions in an attempt to proactively prevent raids on the convoys. 

Situation Updates - All Sectors 


By the skin of their teeth the Tau have managed to gain a second major success for their counter-offensive in the He'Sho Seas region. Desperate to alleviate the sagging morale of the Tau troops bottled in the Tau landing sites at FFG355Y, the commanders of the Tau air-landing force attempted their most audacious plan yet. Guided by a few bands of Tau stragglers with intimate knowledge of the Ork activity in the region, and aided by a single manta braving the formidable Ork air defences, a strike force of Tau and mercenary allies slipped past the Ork cordon and assault a secret Ork command hub. Multiple prominent Ork warbosses and chieftains have been using this site to coordinate the Ork counter-attacks on the landing zones, and had recently begun preparations for a massive psychic ritual, intended to summon an avatar of one of the Ork gods, Mork and Gork, to obliterate the Tau intruders once and for all. 

The Tau strike force managed to arrive just as the massed Ork weirdboys and Warpheadz were completing the final preparations for the ritual. Ork resistance proved tremendous, and in the early stages of the engagement the defending Greenskins came close to breaking the Tau strike force before they could even begin their mission. Salvation came in the form of the Tau strike force's secret weapon, a sophisticated network of energy shields. Expecting heavy resistance and well aware of the critical manpower shortage plaguing their operations in the area, the Tau commanders pooled their entire compliment of shield drones, in addition to a number of other drones hastily converted to shield drones with the addition of surplus battlesuit shield generators, and networked them together to create a protective defence grid that covered the strike force's advance. The gambit worked superbly, and though most of the component drones were destroyed or damaged beyond repair, the network succeeded in absorbing the worst of the Ork firepower long enough for the Tau to cripple the Ork defences. 

After a full rotaa of intense combat the Tau were victorious. The casualties sustained have been considerable, but the site, Ork shamans and the Ork leadership gathered there were all destroyed. a freak plasma blast mixed with the unstable psychic energies building up in the area resulted in a catastrophic blast that wiped the site from the face of the planet, though not before the Tau could successfully evacuate with what wounded and salvaged equipment they could recover. The resulting disruption to the Ork command structure has allowed the Tau to break out of the beachhead at FFG355Y and establish a small foothold in the He'Sho Seas region. 

Ork Points: 83
Tau Points: 17


In an attempt to disrupt the Ork logistics chain, a force of Auxiliary and Tau volunteers launched an assault on an outlying Ork settlement in the Mo'Hav Plains region close to the Saal'vesa training grounds. In an engagement now referred to by the Orks as 'Firty-Sevin Orking' after the name of the settlement under attack, the Tau-led auxiliary offensive was cut off and systematically annihilated by a three-pronged pincer movement from multiple Ork armoured formations. These Ork armoured forces contained large quantities of new War-Machine class vehicles assembled locally by Wurrshuv's Meks, and their losses were minimal, especially in comparison to the total destruction of the Tau-led incursion. 

The attack has since been identified by the ATT Shas'ar'tol as a grevious error, and is believed to have been orchestrated by impetuous commanders eager to recreate the success of the landings in the He'Sho Seas region. Preparations for the offensive were hasty, and intelligence gathering prior to it was negligable. Operating almost completely without support, the Tau commanders responsible for the operation dangerously underestimated the intelligence of their Ork adversaries, who deliberately lured them past the Ork front-lines to prevent any Tau reinforcements from arriving in time. It is believed any survivors have since been captured by the Orks and put to work as slave-labourers in Wurrshuv's factories, and orbital imagery has shown convoys of Wurrshuv's Soopa-Krawlas and Mega-Krawlas departing the battlegrounds laden with freshly scavenged Tau technology for the Ork war effort. Renowned commander of the 42nd T'au Guards Cadre, Shas'O Da'Anuk, has called the ill-fated attack one of the most senseless tragedies of the conflict thus far. 

Ork Points: 81
Tau Points: 19

Wurrshuv's Krunch - ORK CONTROLLED 

Roll'n Thunda, the Ork's titanic air offensive, continues to hammer Tau forces across the entire theatre of operations on M-88. Tau aircraft losses have become unsustainable, and there is a very real danger that the Air Cadres on M-88 may become broken before long as the Orks cement their grip on air superiority. Most Tau airbases have been badly damaged by relentless Ork airstrikes, and 'Savage Squig' Fighta-Bommer flights continue to decimate the Tau air-defence network. The Orks have also begun to make further use of artillery as part of their SEAD efforts, with many Tau air-defence sites in the Or'vesa and Saal'vesa regions being targeted by merciless barrages from Ork Soopa-gun batteries massed on the edges of the neighbouring Krunch region, where the formidable Ork defences and vast concentrations of Ork forces nearby safeguard them from Tau retaliation. 

Wurrshuv's elite Kommando Mobs, the Spektas, have proven instrumental in the success of Roll'n Thunda. Taking advantage of their looted Tau cloaking fields to operate in close proximity to Tau forces, large numbers of Spekta Mobs have been tasked with searching out Tau airbases, air-defence sites, sensor arrays, communications hubs and other critical targets and marking them for destruction by Ork airstrikes. Once a suitable target is located, the Spektas will note down its position and transmit the information to the necessary sources through a system of primitive analogue channels including visual signals (carefully timed flashing lights are popular), dead drops and courrier squigeons. Such methods are slow to reach the Ork leadership, but their completely analogue nature makes them completely impervious to Tau Signals Intelligence efforts. For mobile Tau assets such as air-defence weaponry, a Spekta mob will typically relay the general area of operations and then shadow the mobile platforms, marking out their precise location with coloured smoke or flares when they hear the approaching Fighta-Bommers. 

In addition to the ever-present Beepy Gubbinz countermeasures, Wurrshuv has introduced a deadly new weapon in his arsenal. Inspired by the Tau efforts to cloak objects larger than the standard Stealthsuit models, Wurrshuv has begun to fit looted stealth-field technology onto Fighta-Bommers. Named 'Squighawks' after the ferocious Orkoid predator, these advanced 'Stelf Fightas' have proven highly effective in combat against both Tau aircraft and Tau air-defence sites. There have also been a number of unconfirmed reports about black-painted Ork Warkoptas that have also been fitted with scavenged stealth technology to facilitate covert insertion of Spekta Mobs, but no concrete evidence has been found to support the existence of these so-called 'Blak Koptas'. 

Wurrshuv has not failed to neglect his ground forces in the face of the Ork success in the air, and the Big Mek has begun construction of vast numbers of new Ork War Machines for his armies, often organised into massive armoured formations such as those used in the battle of Firty-Sevin Orking. The Ork heavy tanks known as Gutrippas, Bonebreakas and Bonecrunchas have all been sighted in production and in combat at Firty-Sevin Orking, as well as Lungbursta assault guns and Braincrusha tank-destroyers. Big Mek Speedstas have also been sighted both in production and in support of these Ork armoured formations in combat at Firty-Sevin Orking. Large numbers of these Ork War Machines are being massed in the Mo'Hav plains and staging grounds in Wurrshuv's Krunch, poised to exploit any Ork breakthroughs. 

Ork Points: 100
Tau Points: 0

Note: Due to heavy Ork defences and overwhelming numbers of Orks in the area, Tau players may not report games in this region.

"On T'ros we used Stealth Teams to locate Gue'la supply columns for the Air Caste to destroy. On Dal'yth we used Stealth Teams to shadow Gue'la invasion forces. It was inevitable that the universe would find some way to even the score." 

- Shas'O'T'au Kais'Ka'Eoro'Da'Anuk, commenting on recent Ork Spekta activities

Training Ground Saal'vesa - TAU CONTROLLED

Advancing in the wake of the Speed Freak vanguard, elements of Wurrshuv's regular armies are beginning to reach the front lines at the Empire Sector in the region around Training Ground Saal'vesa. With the Tau forces in the south continuing to be occupied in battling the highly mobile Speed Freak warbands, the added pressure from this second echelon of Ork forces threatens to tip the correlation of forces decisively in favour of the Orks. 

The Tau forces are slowly beginning to recover from the devastating psychological blow of Aun'el'Sa'cea Ol'Bentu'B's death and fight back with renewed ferocity. One particularly notable incident saw a force of ATT battlesuits engaged in combat with a large force of Ork infantry advancing on a ruined Tau outpost. Once again the Tau were forced to make use of an orbital attack to stem the overwhelming Ork numbers, but ultimately proved successful in routing the Orks from the area, the greenskins departing after hearing news of more promising combat elsewhere. Their pursuit of the Ork forces has provided the Tau with an opportunity to conduct intelligence-gathering on the ground in Ork-held territory. 

Ork Points: 32
Tau Points: 68

Training Centre Or'vesa - TAU CONTROLLED

While many of the Tau commanders remain paralysed by internal debate, Shas'el Kiv'rai'ka'nan has acted. Frustrated with the devastating effects of the Ork's operational and strategic efforts, and the lack of Tau activity to counter them, the Shas'el has decided to take decisive action of his own accord in an attempt to stem what damage he can. To this end Kiv'rai'ka'nan has dispatched his Hunter Cadre to the outskirts of the Or'vesa region, close to Ork-held territory, on a mission of utmost importance - the capture of several key pieces of the technology created by Wurrshuv. 

 Shas'el Kiv'rai'ka'nan's troops have thus far performed well. The cadre reached its first objective - an Ork outpost containing a Sensa array - within days of their deployment. Recognising the danger in getting bogged down in protracted engagement with Ork reinforcements, Kiv'rai'ka'nan was careful to maximise the element of surprise and moved with as much speed as possible to seize the Ork Sensa array. Suffering only minimal casualties to the defending Ork garrison, Kiv'rai'ka'nan's troops swiftly stormed the Ork outpost and managed to capture the Sensa array relatively intact, absconding with it before Ork reinforcements could arrive. The device has since been examined by Kiv'rai'ka'nan's forces and re-purposed for their own use in securing their operational sector against incursions by Spekta Mobs. Shas'el Kiv'ra'ka'nan has given orders to his forces to prioritise the capture of any further Ork Sensa arrays they encounter as a stop-gap to protect against the Orks' looted stealth technology. 

Ork Points: 36
Tau Points: 64


The Earth Caste at Fio Starport have continued their herculean efforts to undo the damage inflicted to the starport and nearby bases by Ork air raids. Their task is not without danger, and a significant number of Fio have been killed or wounded while serving. Their sacrifice has not been in vain, and their work has allowed the starport to continue to function, keeping the stream of reinforcements and supplies flowing from the Tau transport convoys in orbit. 

Most of the Tau's focus has been on discussion and evaluation. A large number of think-tanks have been commissioned at Fio Starport to analyse the situation on M-88. Research facilities have been established to examine captured examples of Wurrshuv's inventions, and representatives of all of the Tau castes plus many allies and auxiliary species have been formed into conclaves to formulate new ideas on the optimal course of action for the Tau forces to proceed on. Some have raised concerns that the importance of these actions is being dismissed by Tau commanders, and there are fears amongst the Shas'ar'tol that a number of Tau commanders have considered engaging in such dialogue to be beneath them. Such an outlook would be a grave error in judgement. 

In light of recent developments, the ATT Shas'ar'tol has begun to mobilise one of its last remaining trump cards - the Guards Cadres. Several contingents of Guards Cadres have been deployed to M-88, and thus far have been carefully held in reserve with the ATT Shas'ar'tol originally anticipating their use to spearhead the planned Empire offensive into Ork-held regions. With the Tau bogged down in stalemates on both fronts, such a grand offensive is looking increasingly unlikely, and so the Guards Cadres on M-88 have been forward-based on the edge of the Fio Starport region in case they are required for a decisive counter-attack against the Ork offensive there. 

Ork Points: 0
Tau Points: 100

Note: Due to the extensive Tau defence networks in place within this region, Ork players may not report games in this territory.

Ork Campaign Points: 4
Tau Campaign Points: 4

Tau forces have now reached the location of Outpost 84U. Initial teams have reported no trace of the Tau base and no signs of life within its vicinity, the only feature in the area being a gigantic barren blast-crater with a diameter of several tor'kan. No survivors have been found. Analysis has indicated that the earth of the blast-crater has been compacted to an unusual degree, and several atmospheric anomalies have been detected at the blast-site. Further study is underway to uncover what caused this catastrophe. 

The mysterious attacks on isolated Tau forces have continued, and reports of slaughtered Tau and auxiliary patrols have been reported in rear echelons in both the Empire and Enclave sectors. It is now believed to be all but certain that the culprit behind these attacks is the same party responsible for the assassination of Aun'el'Sa'cea Ol'Bentu'B. So far the only clue as to the nature of this culprit is a single unfocused image capture taken from a discarded Tau helmet, showing a large Ork-like silhouette with a head covered in what appear to be locks of hair. 


TO: ATT Shas'ar'tol
AUTHOR: Shas'ui'Tash'var Mont'yr'Siral
SUBJECT: Intelligence Report on Ores'la Logistics Operations


The following is a compilation of our observations regarding the Ores'la logistics capability in the Mo'Hav Plains. As you know, my team was deployed into the Mo'Hav Plains region following our recent victories against the Ores'la in the Saal'vesa training grounds. As you know, a contingent of our ATT battlesuit units repelled an Ores'la infantry formation some time ago, and the resulting confusion allowed my team to be inserted deep behind enemy lines in the Mo'Hav Plains, known to be a major logistics hub for the Ores'la invasion. After arriving in the region, my team was able to perform long-range observation of Ores'la logistics activity for a few rotaa before being forced to withdraw. I must regret to inform you that we have paid a heavy price for this information - of the 8 Pathfinders under my command and our attached drones and Devilfish transport, only one Shas'la survived the mission along with myself. I pray that the sacrifice of my warriors will not be in vain. 

My team focused the majority of our observation efforts on the Ores'la superheavy logistics transports. These designs have, to the best of our knowledge, not been encountered by the Tau Empire before, and appear to be a rare phenomenon in Ores'la combat operations. It was therefore our reasoning that gathering intelligence on these new units would be the best use of our time. Given that there are no previously observed encounters of these Ores'la logistics units as far as we can ascertain, it is our belief that these vehicles were commissioned by Wurrshuv himself, and are likely based on designs originally conceived by Wurrshuv. We have observed four varieties of these superheavy logistics transports, which can be classified into two categories based on mass and two classes based on function. We have chosen to adopt the latter system for the purposes of this report, and have compiled our findings into two distinct classes of Ores'la superheavy logistics transport: 'Tankas' and 'Krawlas', which are titles that the Ores'la themselves have been observed using to refer to these vehicles. 

Regardless of what class they fall under, all such logistics transports share a number of features in common. Perhaps most obviously, all are extremely large - even the smaller varieties dwarf the Gue'la Titan superheavy walkers by several orders of Magnitude, and appear vastly larger than even the superheavy command vehicles used by the Gue'la. All of these gigantic vehicles make use of continuous tracks for propulsion, with the vast majority sporting four independently articulated tread units. This gives them good mobility over rough terrain, an important factor given the often unkempt nature of Ores'la transportation infrastructure. None of them have been observed travelling fast, and it is almost certain that their immense size and weight gives them a low maximum speed. All observed vehicles share a number of similarities in hull design, and it is our theory that they are derived from the same pattern of chassis. The primary difference appears to be the configuration of their transport compartments. 


My team has observed that the Ores'la superheavy transports known as Tankas are primarily constructed in two mass classes. The Ores'la themselves refer to these classes as 'Soopa-Tankas' and 'Mega-Tankas'. Of the two, Soopa-Tankas are somewhat smaller, though smaller here is a relative term - as previously mentioned, even the smallest of them dwarf most superheavy walkers thus far encountered by several orders of magnitude. Mega-Tankas are larger, and can reach truly mind-numbing scales. 

Regardless of their size, both varieties of Tanka are, as their name suggests, specialised for the bulk transportation of liquid cargo. To this end all examples we encountered prominently featured at least one massive cylindrical cargo tank, often cradled in the centre of the vehicle's construction. Both Soopa-Tankas and Mega-Tankas were both observed with only minimal weaponry, but all examples were well-armoured, featuring exceptionally thick plating on all aspects and potential angles of attack. Their main cargo tanks were especially well-protected. Given their size it is likely that Soopa-Tankas and Mega-Tankas both feature large numbers of redundant systems, which combined with their immense bulk and the ablative effect of the Ores'la's ramshackle engineering would make any example extremely difficult to destroy. 

A variety of liquids are frequently transported by Soopa-Tankas and Mega-Tankas, but the most common cargo we observed them carrying was a variety of oils and other liquid fossil-fuels used by the Ores'la for energy production. A single Soopa-Tanka can carry enough fuel to fully stock over a dozen large mechanised Ores'la warbands, and Mega-Tankas boast an even larger capacity. Such enormous quantities of fuel would undoubtedly be useful for the Ores'la production efforts concentrated around their initial landing site. Aside from fuel, Soopa-Tankas and Mega-Tankas were observed carrying water, lubricants, mechanical coolant and on a few occasions sewage and industrial waste products. It is theorised that they may even be able to transport gas cargo as well as liquids. 


Like their Tanka counterparts, the Ores'la logistics transports known as 'Krawlas' also appear to be constructed in two sizes. Called, 'Soopa-Krawlas' and 'Mega-Krawlas' by the Ores'la, these vehicles share much in common with Tankas. As with the Tanka classes, Soopa-Krawlas appear to be smaller than Mega-Krawlers, but both are vast in size. Soopa-Krawlas and Mega-Krawlas appear to be more common than their Tanka counterparts, and it is our theory that the Tankas are in fact a specialised variant of Krawla. 

Unlike Tankas, Soopa-Krawlas and Mega-Krawlas are not built with the handling of a specific item in mind, instead being general-purpose cargo transports for a variety of goods. To facilitate this end Soopa-Krawlas and Mega-Krawlas sport massive geometric cargo holds, typically rectangular in configuration. They also typically sport an array of cranes and mechanical arms on their roofs to aid in loading and unloading operations (Tankas, in contrast, generally feature an array of hoses instead to handle the transfer of their cargo). Soopa-Krawlas and Mega-Krawlas both typically have a large cabin-like structure at their front which houses the driving compartment, amongst other things, and a large engine block at the back - both features they share with Tankas. Crew accommodations are believed to be distributed amongst the front and flanks of the vehicles. 

Like Tankas, Soopa-Krawlas and Mega-Krawlas feature formidable armour protection, but only minimal armament, being intended almost purely for use as cargo transports. Despite ostensibly being intended for non-combat roles, Soopa-Krawlas and Mega-Krawlas nonetheless consistently feature large poughs, rams and similar implements mounted on their prows, which enable them to effectively bulldoze their way through obstacles. Given the enormous weight behind them, it is likely that such devices could inflict a lot of damage on any enemy foolish enough to be caught in front of a Soopa-Krawla or Mega-Krawla (or their Tanka counterparts, which also sport this feature). Given the frequent use of mechanical claws, arms and similar devices by the Ores'la as offensive weapons, I suspect that the array of cranes and mechanical arms mounted on Soopa-Krawlas and Mega-Krawlas can be easily re-purposed by their Ores'la crew to defend against attackers. 

All varieties of Tanka and Krawla feature Wurrshuv's insignia emblazoned on their sides and top, often in very large scale, and it seems that the Ores'la warlord takes some measure of pride in their creation. Despite this, it seems most Ores'la find the idea of transporting goods in a slow vehicle far away from the front lines to be extremely tedious and largely beneath them, and thus the majority of a Tanka or Krawla's crew will typically consist of the diminutive Ores'la subspecies known as Gretchin. This in turn means that Tankas and Krawlas typically feature at least one of the Ores'la slave handlers known as 'Runtherds' in a prominent command role, necessary to direct and control the large numbers of Gretchin aboard. Overall command of a Tanka or Krawla is generally the role of an Ores'la 'Mek' engineer, and it is suspected that such a duty is given as punishment to those Meks who fail or anger Wurrshuv in some manner. Those Ores'la seen as part of a Tanka or Krawla crew are likely in a similar situation. 

While Krawlas and Tankas travelling in isolation have been sighted, my team has observed that both vehicles more commonly travel together in large convoys for safety in numbers, frequently guarded by a sizeable Ores'la escort force. I must admit that the sight of such a convoy of these immense vehicles is nothing short of awe-inspiring as they ply the wilderness and dusty Ores'la roads. These convoys constantly travel from various Ores'la settlements and strongholds, transporting cargoes of fuel, ammunition, supplies, minerals and raw materials as well as, most importantly for the Ores'la, salvaged Tau items.  My team even observed a few occasions where Krawlas were used to transport Ores'la warriors en mass. It is possible that the Ores'la were hitching a ride on the Krawlas as they travelled to a new cargo pick-up point. While most Ores'la appear to look down on the idea of operating a Krawla or Tanka, they certainly seem to appreciate the large quantities of weaponry, ammunition and fuel they provide. 

It is our conclusion that Krawlas and Tankas of all classes are tremendous force multipliers for Wurrshuv's armies. Wurrshuv's fleet of Krawlas and Tankas allow him to move vast quantities of materials and supplies en mass over long distances, which in turn gives Wurrshuv's forces powerful logistical support. It is highly unusual for an Ores'la to put so much thought and effort towards logistics, and this is a clear sign of Wurrshuv's intentions and preparations to wage an extended war against us. This suggests Wurrshuv is extremely intelligent, and is further evidence of the dire threat he poses to the Tau Empires' continued security. 

This is Shas'ui'Tash'var Mont'yr'Siral, signing off. 


Wednesday, 23 May 2018

Wurrshuv's Revenge - Week 3

Wurrshuv's Revenge - An ATT Campaign 

Week 3 

Tragedy has befallen the Tau on M-88. While touring the embattled planet to raise spirits amongst its defenders, the Tau Ethereal Aun'el'Sa'cea Ol'Bentu'B was brutally murdered while inspecting a forward operations centre in the Empire Sector. In the early afternoon the renowned and cherished leader was viscerally ripped apart in the middle of a public address he was giving to an assembly of Fire Warriors, with the unidentified assailant taking the Ethereal's head and attached spinal column with them as they fled. The assassin is believed to have used Tau cloaking technology to infiltrate the facility and get within striking range of the Ethereal, as well as evade pursuing guards. After inflicting several more fatalities on the Tau security forces the assassin managed to escape into the wilderness of M-88. The exact means by which this was achieved are not yet clear, but initial investigations suggest that a poorly guarded waste conduit was used to facilitate the assassin's flight. Needless to say Ol'Bentu'B's shocking and graphic demise has been a devastating blow to Tau morale. 

In space much needed naval reinforcements have arrived in the form of Operational Group Or’res’tel’K, which has since begun convoy escort and search-and-destroy missions against the marauding wolf-packs of Ork Freebootaz. This has taken considerable pressure off Kor'vattra fleet K-42, which is now able to focus all of its efforts in locating and destroying incoming Ork Roks. No additional Roks have thus far reached the surface of M-88, and more and more convoys are reaching M-88 intact. 

Situation Updates - All Sectors 


Acting on intelligence gleaned from rescued Tau stragglers, the Tau landing forces in the He'Sho Seas region have attempted a major breakout from their landing zones. Almost all remaining mercenary forces were marshalled for the offensive to bolster the critically low amounts of Tau manpower, and extensive air support was called in from any available Air Cadres. With the dual objectives of breaking through the Ork cordon and destroying additional nearby Ork oil infrastructure, the plan was a dangerous gambit, but the embattled Tau commanders at the beachhead felt they had little other option in the face of the relentless Ork siege. 

Unfortunately the operation has proven inconclusive. Heavy damage has been inflicted to Ork oil refineries and storage sites in the areas surrounding the Tau beachhead at FFG355Y, but the Tau forces have failed to break out and expand their foothold in the region with fierce Ork counterattacks forcing the Tau breakthrough forces to fall back to their landing sites under heavy attack. Lack of effective air support was a major factor in the Tau's lack of success in this area. Faulty Tau intelligence vectored much of the air support assigned to the breakout attacks through areas the Orks had recently turned into air defence kill-zones, with the result that many of the Tiger Shark flights deployed in support of the operation were downed by Intacepta Rokkits or Fighta-Bommers flown by veteran Ork pilots before they could lend their support to the fighting. 

With their plans for a quick decisive breakthrough dashed, the situation is continuing to grow increasingly dire for the Tau forces embattled in the He'Sho Seas region, and Tau Commanders at the FFG355Y Beachhead are desperately calling on Enclave Command and the ATT Shas'ar'tol for immediate reinforcements. 

Ork Points: 84 
Tau Points: 16 

"It was an oil derrick too many." 

- Shas'Ui'Vior'los Kles'ro'Kunas, commenting on the He'Sho Seas breakout operation 


As Tau airstrikes grow fewer and fewer, the numbers of Ork warbands pouring through the Mo'Hav Plains towards battle in the Saal'vesa training grounds have swelled to ever larger proportions. For every Ork army defeated in the Empire Sector, it appears two more are gathering in the neighbouring Mo'Hav plains to take its place. With the Tau forces occupied in containing Ork offensives into the Empire and Enclave sectors, or in the desperate combat in the He'Sho Seas, Ork activity in the Mo'Hav plains has been left almost completely unchecked. 

Like the neighbouring Ork-held territories in the He'Sho Seas and around Wurrshuv's Krunch, the Mo'Hav plains are showing extensive signs of complete Ork colonisation. Numerous Ork settlements have sprung up throughout the region to provide supporting infrastructure to the constant Ork traffic, alongside countless smaller refueling and resupply outposts referred to by the Orks as 'Trukk Stopz'. Large fungal forests have begun to invade the local ecology, supplanting the native ecosystems with ruthless abandon, aided by the vast quantities of toxic byproducts and pollutants from Ork industry in the He'Sho Seas and Wurrshuv's Krunch regions, which is beginning to inflict significant damage on the local fauna and flora of M-88. The once open skyline of the Mo'Hav Plains has become broken with the jagged silhouettes of gargantuan Ork idols constructed at major staging grounds. 

Ork Points: 81 
Tau Points: 19 

Wurrshuv's Krunch - ORK CONTROLLED 

After weeks of attrition and in light of the important role Tau air support has played in a number of Tau victories, the Orks have determined that the time to strike in force is right, and have unleashed a massive all-out aerial offensive of unprecedented scale and ferocity. Referred to by the Orks as 'Roll'n Thunda', the air offensive has focused on decisively eliminating the Tau air threat, and has decimated Tau airbases and air-defence sites across Tau-held territory. Based on observations from the field and reconnaissance from orbital and aerial platforms, it is estimated by the Tau that the Orks are able to deploy an entire squadron of Fighta-Bommers for every individual combat aircraft the Tau are able to get in the air. This deficiency in force correlation has only been compounded by 'Roll'n Thunda', which has seen hundreds of Tau aircraft destroyed on the ground by intensive Ork air raids, guided to key Tau targets by the efforts of infiltrating Spektas, and the tempo of attacks shows no sign of slowing. 

In addition to the widespread destruction of  Tau airbases, a key component of 'Roll'n Thunda' has been the destruction of Tau air-defence systems. It appears that Wurrshuv is concerned the Tau may adopt a countermeasure against the Beepy Gubbinz countermeasures that have proven so successful against them, and has ordered his Flyboy warbands to dismantle as much of the Tau air-defence network as possible while they still retain this decisive advantage. The primary element of this endeavour have been flights of Fighta-Bommers entirely equipped with Beepy Gubbinz to close in on Tau air-defence systems and long-range sensor arrays unmolested and escape once they have destroyed their targets. Referred to by the Orks as 'Savage Squig' missions, these suppressive air-raids have been highly successful, and the Tau air-defence network has been critically compromised. 

As their number of aerial victories grows, More and More Ork Flyboyz are attaining ace status against the Tau. Those Ork pilots with more than 15 confirmed kills against Tau aircraft are now known as 'Axe Eataz' (Axe Eaters) to the Orks, in reference to the AX designation for Tau aircraft, and the image of an Ork devouring an axe (often with a head shaped like a Tau airframe) is a common recurring motif in the decorative artwork adorning their Fighta-Bommers. A growing number of Ork Fighta-Bommer squadrons are entirely made up of these Axe-Eatas, though typically a Fighta-Bommer squadron will only sport one or two such aces among its number. 

The Ork countermeasures known as Beepy Gubbinz continue to provide Ork aircraft equipped with them near impunity to Tau air defences and many Tau air-to-air systems employed against them, with an effective counter remaining elusive. Some Ork pilots have grown so confident in the safety the Beepy Gubbinz grant them that they have outfitted their Fighta-Bommers with high-powered speaker systems with which they loudly broadcast music in the Greenskin genres known as 'Evy Metal' and 'Goff Rok' during their attack runs. Demand for Beepy Gubbinz has skyrocketed amongst the Flyboyz on M-88, and furious brawls regularly break out in Ork settlements as Ork pilots and vehicle crew alike attempt to gain enough teef to purchase them. Their construction has consequently become an exceptionally lucrative enterprise for Wurrshuv and his Mekboy followers. 

Ork Points: 100 
Tau Points: 0 

Note: Due to heavy Ork defences and overwhelming numbers of Orks in the area, Tau players may not report games in this region. 

"You'z gotta be zoggin me..." 

- Flyboss Blitzgul, on being assigned to a Savage Squig mission

Training Ground Saal'vesa - TAU CONTROLLED 

Tau morale in the Empire Sector has crumbled with the assassination of Aun'el'Sa'cea Ol'Bentu'B and the horrific devastation inflicted by Roll'n Thunda. The skies over Tau territory have become riddled with the dark trails left by Ork Fighta-Bommers, while the sight of Tau aircraft intercepting them is growing rarer and rarer. Tau forces face merciless bombardment from Ork airstrikes and superheavy artillery firing out from the neighbouring Krunch region. As ambushes and raids by Ork Spektas continue and contact is lost with more patrols and run'al observation posts, many Tau warriors are beginning to grow paranoid. 

If there is one thing the Tau can point to to raise their spirits, it is their success in battles on the ground. In a series of well-planned ambushes and counter-attacks, Tau hunter cadres have achieved victory after victory over the Speed Freak warbands, and begun to push their advance back. Of particular note is the performance of the ATT battlesuit cadres, which in one especially decisive engagement succeeded in repulsing an attack by Ork heavy armoured formations. Though the Tau commander responsible for the defence was forced to resort to calling in whatever orbital support was available, the Tau were nonetheless able to scatter the assaulting warbands and hunt the survivors down at their leisure. In their pursuit the Tau were even able to capture a number of devices created by Wurrshuv and his Mekboy apprentices, and the confiscated technology is now under Earth Caste scrutiny. The Water Caste has begun an extensive propaganda campaign highlighting these successes in an attempt to bolster the deteriorating spirits of the Tau on M-88. 

Ork Points: 33 
Tau Points: 67 

Training Centre Or'vesa - TAU CONTROLLED 

While the Empire leadership has been paralysed by the death of Ol'Bentu'B, Enclave command has acted. Unfazed by the loss of an Ethereal, the Enclave Tau have continued to battle the Orks with no pause or withdrawal, and their continued action has been instrumental in keeping the Tau position on M-88 stable. Indeed, the considerable efforts of the Enclave Tau forces have been almost the only thing preventing the Or'vesa region from being completely overrun, and their sacrifices have given many of the Empire forces fighting alongside them a newfound respect for those previously thought to have abandoned the Tau'va. 

Taking advantage of the lack of Empire activity and consequent reduced oversight, Enclave Command has seized the initiative and salvaged the earlier Tau plan to undermine the Ork attacks in depth with a series of air-landing missions. Mobilising as many reserve forces as they could, the Enclave forces successfully staged a number of air-landing missions behind the main Ork front lines, with the scattered remnants of Auxiliary forces trapped in Ork occupied territory aiding the air-landing forces. The surviving Kroot kindreds in the area have been particularly useful in this regard, staging a series of lethal guerilla raids that compromised much of the Ork defences ahead of the landings, and continuing to provide support to the landing forces following their arrival. After Tau cadres moving over land successfully linked up with the air-landing forces a number of sailents have been opened up in the Ork lines, and a number of Tau forces are pushing further into enemy territory. 

Ork Points: 37 
Tau Points: 63 

Fio Starport - TAU CONTROLLED 

The death of Ol'Bentu'B has stunned the ATT Shas'ar'tol, and much of the Tau forces stationed around Fio Starport. Many have questioned how such an act could have been allowed to happen, and a full-scale investigation is underway into the Sa'cea forces who were responsible for the Ethereal's security. Shas'O'T'au Kais'Ka'Eoro'Da'Anuk, commander of the 42nd T'au Guards Cadre, has placed much of the blame on a breakdown in communications among the Tau leadership, citing several instances of Tau commanders failing to communicate and work together for the Greater Good. The veteran Shas'O has once again called for greater communication amongst Tau commanders active on the surface of M-88. 

Under the onslaught of 'Roll'n Thunda' the Tau air forces have been stretched past breaking point, and the Orks have managed to secure air superiority in the skies of M-88. This culminated in the Orks doing what was previously thought impossible by the Tau - launching attacks on Fio Starport. With little remaining resistance in the air, and protected from ground-based defences by Beepy Gubbinz, several Ork airstrikes have hit targets around Fio Starport, One particularly reckless squadron of Fighta-Bommers even performed a suicidal air raid on the starport itself, inflicting considerable damage on the starport facilities before being shot down. The actions of the Earth Caste active in the Fio Starport region have been invaluable in limiting the extent of the long-term damage. Earth Caste teams have acted fearlessly to perform damage control, extinguish fires and incendiary attacks, clear debris, remove undetonated ordinance, conduct repairs, rescue survivors and provide medical aid to casualties. These courageous Fio have worked around the clock in the face of grave danger, often starting their duties moments after the Ork munitions have landed, and powered through their overwhelming grief at the loss of Ol'Bentu'B. "The Ores'la destroy, we rebuild," the Fio say, "The Oresla destroy, we rebuild anew." 

Ork Points: 0 
Tau Points: 100 

Note: Due to the extensive Tau defence networks in place within this region, Ork players may not report games in this territory.   

"More fighters inbound, heading 6-3-0-niner at 800 tor'kan. Grey 4 and 6, peel off, try to draw them away, Gry 3 and 8 form up and engage them from behind. Watch your fuel levels too, we're all running near critical. How many more can they have..." 

- Kor'vre'Tau'n Doran'Shi'va, in combat over the Or'vesa training grounds

Ork Campaign Points: 4 
Tau Campaign Points: 4

As another week of bloody conflict comes to a close, yet another disturbing mystery has reached the ATT Shas'ar'tol. Less than 20 decs ago all contact was lost with Outpost 84U, a forward operations centre established in the north-east of the Sal'vesa region. With no warning the base ceased all communications and all outgoing signals from the installation disappeared. It is as if the base simply vanished. The only clue the ATT Shas'ar'tol has as to the fate of the complex and the Tau present within it was the last known situation report from the area, which reported two unidentified sensor contacts at high altitude over Outpost 84U before contact was lost. Long-range reconnaissance units have been scrambled to ascertain what has happened to the base. 


TO: ATT Shas'ar'tol 
AUTHOR: Fio'vre'Dal'yth Ko'Kaara 
SUBJECT: Analysis Report on Captured Ores'la Technology 


I have compiled the following report based on the recently completed analysis my team has performed of the Ores'la devices recently captured by our forces fighting on the surface of M-88. As you know, Battlesuit cadres recently routed an Ores'la armoured spearhead pushing through the Empire Sector, covering the Saal'vesa training grounds south-west of the Ores'la landing site known as 'Wurrshuv's Krunch'. During the battle our troops were able to recover a number of unidentified devices abandoned by the Ores'la that have never before been encountered in our engagements with the Ores'la. I must commend our brave Fire Caste warriors fighting on the ground, they have proven to be tenacious defenders of our empire and have shown great skill and valour in the face of horrors I do not believe I would ever be able to stand before. After our analysis of the technology captured, I am not sure I would want to either - if these captured devices are anything to go by, the Ores'la we are fighting are a force to be reckoned with. 

There are three kinds of Ores'la technology that have been recovered from the fighting in the Saal'vesa training grounds, and multiple examples of two of these kinds were captured. All three varieties are weapon systems of some variety, and all three are based on the tractor-beam and gravitic repulsor technologies employed by particularly advanced Ores'la warbands. We have identified these three devices as the 'Pulla-Aparta', the 'Traktor-Grappla' and the "Grav-smasha", based on their mention in intercepted Ores'la transmissions. 


The Pulla-Aparta is a particularly inventive application of Ores'la tractor-beam and gravitic manipulation technology, closely related to the superheavy Ores'la energy weapon known as the 'Lifta-Droppa'. Like the Lifta-Droppa, the Pulla-Aparta appears to have begun life as engineering and construction equipment before being re-purposed for battlefield use as an offensive weapon. My team received examples of this weapon mounted on both static and mobile platforms recovered from the Saal'vesa training grounds. 

Regardless of the platform mounted, the design of the weapon and its function remains the same. Unlike similar Ores'la weapons, the Pulla-Aparta features two sets of beam emitters and armatures mounted in parallel, linked to a central assembly of servos and hydraulics and aligned to converge on a single point in front of the weapon. When activated, the weapon fires two magneto-gravitic tractor beams with complementary polarities, both of which strike the target simultaneously. The operator then turns the armatures in opposite directions, and as the beams move with them the resulting forces rip the target apart, almost as if it were pulled in opposite directions by two invisible and enormously strong hands. 

It is believed that the Pulla-Aparta played an instrumental role in Wurrshuv's initial successes in capturing and analysing Tau technology. The weapon would be ideal for salvaging technology after a battle, as its non-explosive nature leaves the vast majority of the target's smaller components largely intact (larger components and connections between components suffer the most damage as the target is violently ripped apart), while being powerful enough to dismantle even our largest vehicles and battle-suits. Armour density appears to offer little to no effective protection from a Pulla-Aparta attack, as the beams are able to energise metallic objects regardless of density or thickness, and can even dismantle reinforced Iridium plating. Fortunately the twin beams have only a very narrow focus, and can only lock onto a single object at a time. Our tests have determined that they also have only a negligible effect on organic matter, making them non-lethal to living organisms. This makes the Pulla-Aparta a highly dangerous anti-armour and anti-battlesuit weapon, but ineffective in an anti-personnel role, and it is thus our recommendation that any Pulla-Apartas encountered in the field be engaged with light infantry fighting dismounted to neutralise them before they can be brought to bear on heavy equipment. 


The Traktor-Grappla is another application of Ork tractor-beam technology, and is a direct descendent of the Ork energy weapons identified as the 'Traktor Kannon' and the 'Magna-Kannon'. The key difference between the Traktor-Grappla and its siblings is that it features a different power modulation architecture that allows it to fire for longer durations of time, at a reduced power level. We suspect Wurrshuv may have derrived the power modulation design from captured examples of our plasma rifles, or otherwise been inspired by observations of plasma rifles in the field. That both our plasma rifles and this Traktor-Grappla technology both follow the same principle of trading energy yield for safer firing at sustained rates appears, to us at least, to be beyond coincidence. 

The reduced power output of the Traktor-Grappla precludes its use as an anti-aircraft weapon, as the beam it produces is incapable of reaching an altitude useful for anti-aircraft work, and leaves it incapable of dealing direct damage to targets or lifting them more than a few dozen tor'lek from the ground, which again leaves it ineffective as an offensive weapon in its own right. Instead the Traktor-Grappla fulfils an extremely useful niche as a support weapon. Once its beam has been locked on, the Traktor-Grappla lifts the target a short distance into the air for ground clearance and then simply pulls the target directly towards the weapon itself. This has the practical effect of dragging a targeted object much closer to nearby Ores'la forces, where it can then be engaged in the close quarters combat Ores'la excel at. 

The Traktor-Grappla thus provides the Ores'la with an effective counter to the superior range of our weapons and the stand-off attacks that are central to much of the Fire Caste's combat doctrine. A high-energy power supply gives the weapons a range that matches our heaviest tactical-level armaments (testing has shown the Traktor-Grapplas examined to remain effective at distances equal to an RX-58 railgun's maximum effective range), allowing Ores'la forces equipped with the Traktor-Grappla to neutralise our own long-range units by pulling them out of position or forcing them into ambushes and short-range engagements. 

Like the Pulla-Aparta outlined above the Traktor-Grappla is suspected to have played a key role in Wurrshuv's earlier successes in capturing Tau technology. Neither of these two weapon systems have been observed in other Ores'la warbands thus far encountered, and it is suspected that Wurrshuv is the first and possibly only Ores'la engineer to have conceived of them. The limitation of Pulla-Apartas and Traktor-Grapplas to only those Ores'la warbands loyal to Wurrshuv also leads us to speculate that Ores'la warlord has restricted their proliferation, jealously guarding the knowledge behind their construction to prevent them from being used by rivals or rogue warbands against his own forces. 

It is our conclusion that the Traktor-Grappla provides a serious force-multiplier to Ores'la forces equipped with them, and Fire Caste warriors should consider them priority targets, especially if using tactics where long-range combat is key. 


Unlike the other two Ores'la technologies recovered from the Saal'vesa training grounds, only a single example of this device was captured by the victorious Fire Warriors. It is believed to be the only example present in the Ores'la armoured force that was defeated, and we suspect that the device is a prototype given to the Ores'la force by Wurrshuv for field-testing. Unfortunately, the device was also damaged to the extent of rendering it non-operable, so we can only speculate on its nature. 

The device was enclosed within an aerodynamic casing, and although the casing itself was damaged, its overall shape suggests that the device was intended to be an artillery munition fired from a very large calibre gun (though it is certainly possible that the device could just as easily be attached to a suitable rocket motor and be used as a missile warhead instead). The device itself consisted of a strange combination of components from various advanced Tau defence systems. My team identified components from both the drone-mounted grav-inhibitors issued to Pathfinder teams and the Repulsor Impact Fields being issued to high-ranking Fire Caste commanders in increasing numbers (presenting an interesting case of the Ores'la adapting a foreign adaptation of their own technology) used in the device's construction. In addition to these parts were a number of Ores'la energy weapon components and subsystems. The lack of standardisation in Ores'la technology makes their exact nature difficult to discern, but similar subsystems have been seen in various force-field and tractor beam weapons used by the Ores'la (especially those identified as the 'Shunta' and 'Smasha Gun', but also the 'Bubblechukka' and 'Pulsa Rokkit'). 

Our current theory is that the device uses some combination of gravitic and force fields to produce a localised pocket of space in which trapped gravitons are forced into a cycle of constant collapse, ultimately resulting in a small artificial gravitational singularity. This gravitational singularity would be far too small to be sustained for a considerable length of time, and would quickly radiate its collected energy and dissipate. Needless to say, the immense gravitational forces of such a singularity and the blast-yield from its rapid energy radiation would be cataclysmic, easily able to annihilate an entire city within a few rai'kan. 

If our theories are true, then the Grav-Smasha would be a horrific weapon, matching both our own developmental Nova munitions and Gue'la Vortex weapons in destructive power. This would mark a critical threat to the continued security and even survival of the Tau Empire and is a clear indicator of the severe danger these Ores'la pose. Our only comfort is that these devices make use of a number of exotic components that are extremely scarce, making them mercifully limited in number. It is unlikely that Wurrshuv has constructed any more than a small handful of these devices, likely as a strategic deterrent against attack from Nova or orbital weaponry, and we believe the chances of their use at the tactical level of warfare to be remote at best. 

This concludes our analysis of the Ores'la technology captured in the Saal'vesa training grounds. 


Wednesday, 16 May 2018

Wurrshuv's Revenge - Week 2

Wurrshuv's Revenge - An ATT Campaign 

Week 2

The storm on M-88 has broken in earnest. After months of preparation the Tau and Ork counteroffensives have been unleashed, running into each other head on. The result has been a blood-drenched stalemate with neither side able to gain ground against the other. Tau firepower and mobility is being offset by Ork mass and low cunning. Both sides have suffered heavy losses, with thousands of Ork warbands destroyed and hundreds of Tau cadres rendered combat ineffective by attrition. The Tau leadership now fears that further Orks may be drawn to news of the battles and may escalate the conflict even further. In an attempt to quickly gain the upper hand, the ATT Shas'ar'tol is seeking to hold the Orks in place with their current front-line forces while marshalling further Tau reinforcements for a series of massive air-landing operations that, it is hoped, will catch the greenskin hordes in a vertical envelopment. The plan has significant risk however, as it will denny immediate reinforcements on the front lines and could leave the Tau vulnerable should the Orks manage a successful breakthrough. 

Tau naval forces are beginning to trickle into the system, but not at the same rate as the Ork Freebooter fleets lured by bloodshed and Wurrshuv's promises of riches for any that fight for him. This deficiency is further compounded by the exponentially growing numbers of Ork Roks approaching M-88, filled with new Invasion forces and carrying the threat of opening up additional fronts on the surface. Kor'vattra fleet K-42 has shifted focus primarily on hunting down the encroaching Roks, deeming them to be the greater threat. The Tau fleet has seen considerable success in this endeavour, and thus far no additional Roks have made it to the surface of M-88, but this has come at the cost of leaving the Tau reinforcement corridors vulnerable. Already a number of Tau convoys carrying fresh troops and supplies have been lost to roving wolfpacks of Ork freebooter warships. 

Situation Updates - All Sectors 


The Tau beachhead in the He'Sho Seas region continues to hold out against massive Ork counter-attacks, but they remain cut off and losses are mounting. Only a steady trickle of Mantas and Orca dropships making their way through the formidable Ork air defences in the region is preventing the Tau landing forces from being annihilated. A number of raids against nearby Ork mining operations and oil infrastructure have been attempted, but all have thus far ended in failure with the Tau forced to fall back under heavy enemy attack. Without further reinforcements, and with the unrelenting Ork pressure on the Tau landing zones, the Tau have simply been left with too few warriors to spare for these missions. 

The Orks' Intacepta Rokkit networks in the He'Sho Seas have been instrumental in their defence efforts, and the Orks do not hesitate to pound the Tau positions with long-range Intacepta Rokkit fire when there are no Tau aircraft operating in the area. The allies and mercenary forces that arrived with the Tau air-landing troops have thus far suffered the worst losses, being placed in the highest-risk sectors by the Tau commanders. Morale amongst these mercenary elements is low, due to spiralling casualty rates and growing fears that Wurrshuv may retaliate against them personally should they continue to fight against him. The Big Mek has a notorious reputation amongst the outlaw underworld of the Eastern Fringe, and this has not gone unrecognised by the mercenaries and pirates fighting alongside the Tau, with many questioning whether the rewards promised by the Tau outweigh the grave risks involved. 

Amidst the dire situation for the Tau landing forces, one small silver lining can be found in an unexpected area. Scattered Tau remnants are beginning to find their way back to the Tau landing sites in the He'Sho seas. A combination of survivors from the initial Ork assault on the region and surviving elements from Operation FARSIGHT, these Tau are found approaching the outskirts of the Tau beachhead at erratic hours, often waiting until nightfall to complete their journey. Occasionally they arrive in ragged bands of three or four, but more often they come in pairs or, most common of all, lone warriors who are the sole survivor of their unit. Fire Warriors and Pathfinders in these remnants frequently have at least their basic kit and weapon still with them, and occasionally FARSIGHT remnants will still have functional Stealthsuits, but more often than not these survivors arrive with little more than the combat armour on their bodies, all other equipment having been irreparably damaged or lost in their desperate flight to safety. Nonetheless, these remnants are a welcome source of extra manpower for the Tau landing forces, and the Tau commanders at the He'Sho Seas beachhead are eagerly collecting every scrap of intelligence they can gleam from the survivors for use in planning their next move... 

Ork Points: 84
Tau Points: 16


The Ork Speed Freak warbands have now largely left the Mo'Hav Plains region, but this area remains no less heavily populated by Ork forces. The extensive network of roadways the Orks have constructed in the area continues to function as a major supply artery for the Ork invasion, channelling war materials, supplies, spoils and Ork warbands between the Ork-occupied sectors and the front lines, and as the road system reaches maturity more and more effort is being put towards security, with increasingly elaborate defences beginning to spring up across the region to guard the vital roadways against intruders. 

In the wake of the Speed Freaks come hundreds of thousands of regular Ork warbands and Wurrshuv's own armies, forming a second echelon of the greenskins' southern offensive and acting as a follow-on force to the Speed Freaks to exploit any breakthroughs the speed-crazed Orks may achieve. Orbital imagery and footage from high-altitude surveillance drones shows unimaginably vast plumes of impenetrable black smoke blotting out the surface of M-88 as these forces flood the staging grounds and roads of the Mo'Hav Plains in preparation for their attacks on the Tau in the west. 

Ork Points: 81
Tau Points: 19

Wurrshuv's Krunch - ORK CONTROLLED

Flying out of their airbases in the Krunch region, Ork flyboyz continue to wage a relentless air war in the airspace over the Tau controlled sectors. Though they have suffered considerable losses against the Tau air cadres, the Ork pilots are quickly learning Air Caste tactics and adapting to them. A number of fighta-bommer aces have emerged from the fighting and are now feared across M-88. It is believed that the significant disposition of the Ork air forces works to their favour in this regard, as their numbers leave more room to adapt and experiment with their tactics - any failures are simply absorbed as acceptable losses that the Orks can take. The Tau air cadres, with their limited numbers and much less expendable assets, do not have such a luxury. 

On the ground, Wurrshuv has taken keen note of the success the Tau have had with their stealth technology in previous conflicts, and has started using it against his enemies in earnest. The heavy losses of Operation FARSIGHT combined with plundered Tau technology from battles in the west has left the Big Mek with an ample supply of salvaged stealth field components, which he has used to expand the ranks of his Spektas. Instrumental in the initial Ork victories in the He'Sho Seas, these feared Kommandos use looted stealth field generators to devastating effect. Newly formed Spekta mobs have been deployed to all major fronts, and have thrown many Tau forces into chaos with their deadly raids. It would also appear that the Tau are not the only ones to have fallen in the cross-hairs of the Spektas - several dissenting Ork warbosses have suffered gruesome 'accidents' after refusing to provide suitable tribute to Wurrshuv or challenging his authority. 

Ork Points: 100
Tau Points: 0

Note: Due to heavy Ork defences and overwhelming numbers of Orks in the area, Tau players may not report games in this region. 

Training Ground Saal'vesa - TAU CONTROLLED

In the south the Speed Freaks have struck the Empire Sector in full force. Thousands of speed-crazed warbands have descended on the Saal'vesa training grounds in an orgy of high-speed destruction, with the fighting becoming a grim reflection of the initial Ork landing. The Speed Freaks have lost none of their cunning or ferocity, and the week's combat has seen heavy damage inflicted on the southern Tau forces. The Tau's salvation thus far has been the lack of unity amongst the Speed Freaks - with individual warbands operating on their own leadership, no central coherent strategy has been followed by the Speed Freaks, allowing the Tau to redirect them with relative ease and defeat them piecemeal. 

The end result has seen the Speed Freak assault blunted, but has also left the Empire Tau forces unable to push into the neighbouring Mo'Hav plains. The front line in the Empire Sector has been left a fractured mess as the belligerents have become locked in a vicious cycle of swirling manoeuvre warfare and mobile combat, with mechanised Tau hunter cadres chasing Speed Freak warbands in inconclusive running battles that leave the two forces increasingly intermingled. The ATT Shas'ar'tol remains confident that they can contain the Speed Freaks, but there are growing concerns about whether this can be done before the second echelon of Ork forces massing in the Mo'Hav Plains hits the Empire Sector in strength. 

Ork Points: 34
Tau Points: 66

Training Centre Or'vesa - TAU CONTROLLED

The Tau have been dangerously slow to respond to the operational and strategic opportunities presented to them in the Enclave Sector, with Tau forces in the north paralysed as their commanders debate how best to exploit their regained initiative. The Orks, however, have been equally indecisive, making piecemeal attacks at both the Or'vesa training grounds and at targets outside the training areas as individual Warbands and warbosses direct their forces on the course of action they deem most suitable. 

The result is another chaotic stalemate, further compounded by logistical complications as Tau Empire forces are moved back to the southern regions in order to engage the Ork assaults there, or moved up from the south to assist the Enclave troops. Renowned Guards Cadre commander Shas'O Da'Anuk is calling for the Tau to establish a clear and unified strategy immediately and with all due haste. In the meantime, the combat in the north continues to reach unprecedented levels of bitterness and savagery. Several longstanding hatreds and grudges have now formed between veteran forces who have fought each other on multiple occassions, and fighting between such rivals has become notorious for the scale of horror involved. The Enclave forces have gained particular infamy in this area - unfettered by the civilian control of the Ethereals and with a longstanding history of violence against the Orks, the Enclave warriors are continuing to attack the invading Orks with a level of brutality that has shocked observers from the Tau Empire. 

Ork Points: 38
Tau Points: 62


With aircraft losses continuing to grow, the Tau are turning more and more to ground-based air-defence to protect against the incessant Ork fighta-bommer raids. The Tau have already established an impressive integrated air defence network in their occupied territories, and additional contingents of Tracer Missile batteries, Stingrays, Skyrays and Angelfish have been deployed to the surface to strengthen the Tau air defences. Though boasting formidable firepower, the ground-based efforts continue to be hampered by Ork aircraft carrying Beepy Gubbins, restricting the amount of weapons that can be brought to bear on them. The Ork countermeasure systems have become especially feared and hated by the Tau, and a number of research efforts have been initiated to develop an effective counter. 

With the advent of increased Ork Spekta activity, the Tau have turned their attentions to counter-intelligence and counter-stealth capabilities. A significant quantity of advanced sensor equipment has been requisitioned by Tau forces on M-88, and many Pathfinder and Stealth Teams are being recalled to Fio Starport to receive additional training in counter-infiltration methods and tactics. It is believed by the Tau that these forces will then be able to hunt down the elusive Spekta mobs with the support of widespread gun drone patrols. 

Ork Points: 0
Tau Points: 100

Note: Due to the extensive Tau defence networks in place within this region, Ork players may not report games in this territory.   

Ork Campaign Points: 4 
Tau Campaign Points: 4 

Some disturbing reports have begun to filter through to the ATT Shas'ar'tol from Tau elements in the field. In a number of incidents in Tau controlled sectors contact has been lost with isolated Run'als and outposts. Investigating teams have found the installations reduced to blood-soaked abattoirs, their occupants massacred. No survivors have thus far been found, and no evidence of the identity of the attackers can be ascertained, save for crude Ork glyphs written in blood at each site and the missing heads and spinal columns of the Tau victims. 

It is suspected that these attacks are related to a number of similar incidents that have also begun to surface. Isolated patrols and teams of Tau and auxiliary troops have, from time to time, disappeared into the wilderness of M-88. In all such cases contact is never reestablished and search parties have found only mutilated remains of the team members scattered over their projected route of march. Again, all victims have been found missing their head and spine. 

The ATT Shas'ar'tol is convinced that the same party is behind all of these attacks, and a full-scale investigation is underway. The Tau leadership only hopes that the culprits can be found before they cause more serious damage... 

Gogsnaga remained motionless in his perch on the rough knobbly branch of a tree, carefully positioned so that none of the leaves peeling off it would land on him and betray his location. He had learnt the right way to do so long before, after it ruined an ambush against some Humies he was a part of. He had been the only survivor of his Kommando mob that day, and he was determined not to see it happen again. He would have preferred to have taken position in a tree that wasn't shedding anything at all, but that was not an option for him. All of the trees in this copse of woodland were deciduous, and leaves continued to swarm and dance in the air like a flock of birds. Not that Gogsnaga could see them at the moment, seeing the world through the lurid oranges of the false-colour sensor readout his goggles were showing him. What was visible, however, was the brightly glowing radiation signatures of his quarry... 

Shas'Ui'Sa'cea Rra'Myr stalked along the winding woodland path, focusing on any detail that might seem out of place, his pulse carbine raised as he scanned the surrounding trees. The rest of his team of Fire Warriors advanced cautiously in front and behind of him as they too scrutinised the foliage for any danger to the convoy they were escorting. Rra'Myr struggled to listen over the heavy scream of turbine engines from the Devilfish and gunships that crept alongside their dismounted escorts. The Shas'Ui would have preferred to keep moving while mounted, but knew that an advance on foot gave them the best chance of flushing out any ambushes the Ores'la might have set up. Rra'Myr hated these woods. The trees pressed in on both sides, and left him feeling suffocated. Still, the trip through them had thus far been uneventful. The Pathfinders at the head of the column had reported nothing out of the ordinary, and even the sensors on the cadre's battlesuits had not detected any enemy presence yet... 

Gogsnaga noiselessly slunk down from his perch in the trees, carefully lowering himself to the ground so as not to disturb any of his surroundings. All around him the world was a riot of acid oranges, an alien vision to his eyes, but one he knew was necessary in order for him to see at all through the looted Stealth systems he and his fellow Spektaz wore. Wurrshuv had explained to them that the invisibility afforded by the Tau gubbinz made everything invisible to them too, and the only way to see while they were cloaked was through the use of special kustom goggles Wurrshuv had provided them with, fashioned from looted stealthsuit optics. The stealth gubbinz, Wurrhsuv had shown them, would hide them on every colour save one, which was whatever colour they set the goggles to using a toggle on the side. Gogsnaga had discovered that Orange was a colour the Blue gitz didn't usually see at first, so that was the colour he had ordered his Boyz to use. Even now he could see the shapes of the Spektaz as they crept out of the woods with him. Gogsnaga slowly, purposefully stepped closer to the nearest unit of Tau warriors... carefully... closer... quiet now... closer... yes, that's it... he was very close now, almost able to reach out and touch the diminutive alien, and still they were completely oblivious... closer... 

Shas'Ui'Sa'cea Rra'Myr stood poised as he waited with the rest of his team while the Pathfinders returned to the column from their advanced scouting of the path ahead. What unnerved Rra'Myr most was his inability to hear anything over the noise of the vehicles' engines. Without a good set of ears the Shas'Ui felt like he had an arm tied behind his back. He had no way of hearing an approaching adversary, nor could he tell if any of the woodland's natural life had fled or made some kind of response to an intruder. He doubted he would even be able to hear an incoming Ores'la fighter-bomber. It was why Rra'Myr had chosen to leave his helmet clipped to his utility belt, leaving him free to taste and smell the air. It wasn't ideal, but it was better than relying on vision alone. The Shas'Ui just wished he had more of a basis of comparison to know if any scent was different. Still, despite his gnawing unease, Rra'Myr could at least take solace in the fact that nothing had happened yet, and it seemed like nothing would as he turned to start walking forwards. Before he could begin to take a step, however, he felt the strangest sensation on the back of his scalp, a gust of warm moist air that blew forth in an oddly rhythmic pattern, almost like... breathing! 

The Fire Warriors watched as their Shas'Ui froze. They watched as their Shas'Ui whirled around on the spot and levelled his pulse carbine at the space behind him. Then they saw their Shas'Ui knocked reeling by nothing, his arm twisting on its own until it broke in two with a sickening crack. The blue-spattered black blade of a massive wickedly-fashioned knife sprouted from the Shas'Ui's torso, just below the shoulder, and hoisted the screaming Tau into the air before ripping him apart in a shower of cyan gore. The azure blood washed over a rippling shifting silhouette of a monstrous Ork warrior that immediately ducked to one side and rolled into thin air, leaving behind only a staccato beat of deafening gunfire as it unloaded a slugga into the Tau ranks and a single tumbling stikkbomb that struck the ground with an ear-splitting blast and a whirlwind of jagged shrapnel. The Firewarriors responded immediately, training their weapons in the most likely direction their assailant had travelled in to lead the target. It was already too late. Before a single trigger could be pulled the rest of Gogsnaga's mob attacked, butchering the Tau where they stood. Some were stabbed in the back, others had their throats split open. A couple of unfortunate ones were torn limb from limb. More still were struck down by slugga fire or blown apart by stikkbomb explosions. 

The struggle had not gone unnoticed, and already the rest of the Tau were scrambling into defensive positions or training their weapons on the lopsided melee. As they did, one of the Devilfish towards the front of the column spontaneously detonated, erupting into a brutal fireball that scattered burning debris across the woodland trail. The surrounding Fire Warriors immediately turned at the sound, and were immediately caught in a hail of high-calibre bullets as a pair of unseen big shootas opened up on them at point blank range, the survivors also being slaughtered as the second mob of Spektaz pressed their attack. 

The Tau grav-tanks pirouetted where they hovered in search of the invisible tormentors. A Skyray loosed a volley of smart missiles from its forward turrets, the guided munitions twisting and weaving through the air in search of targets before plunging down and detonating harmlessly on an empty section of leaf-strewn pathway. A Hammerhead had much better success, its target-lock guided burst cannons spraying the vicinity of the wrecked Devilfish with searing plasma pulses that systematically ripped apart one of the attacking Spekta mobs in a tempest of deep green blood, dirty yellow bone and burning brown earth. While the Hammerhead's target-lock dealt with that threat, the gunship's main turret swung around to the side and fired a submunition round from its railgun, smashing apart the side of the trail in a tremendous blast that left a series of dark green smears and sparking components where it had caught another mob of Ork ambushers. 

A moment after the railgun fired, two screaming rockets erupted from the air on trails of thick black smoke behind the Hammerhead at point-blank range. One fractured apart in flight and corkscrewed wildly into the trees. The second impacted the grav-tank right in the side of one of its auxiliary fuel cells, detonating the vehicle's hind-quarters in a blistering explosion. menacing shapes shimmered in the burning wreckage as the Spekta mob swarmed over the ruined Hammerhead to tear open hatches and slaughter the surviving crew. 

A trio of Broadside Battlesuits turned and shifted themselves back-to-back, then poured rockets into the surrounding woodland to clear it of any further attackers. They were too late to catch the mob of Spektaz that had crept up on them. Two of the Orks systematically dismembered one of the battlesuits with the high-powered cutting fields of their burnas. The Nob leading them tore open the chest of another with his power klaw. The final one was set upon by the remaining Spektaz in the mob with krak stikkbombs. 

A psychotic grin filled Gogsnaga's face as he walked amongst the carnage. This was one hunter cadre that would not reach the Or'vesa training grounds.